Classroom Addition
Completed for the week ending June 7, 2019:
- Existing building demolition of footings and foundations was completed.
- Soil corrections continued
- Braun Intertec to provide guidance on scope and depths of soil corrections Building Pad Sand Cushion hauled in and placed.
- Additional Furniture samples were reviewed and discussed.
Planned for the week ending June 14, 2019:
- Footings to be formed and poured.
- Interior Mechanical and Electrical work to begin routing for tie into building additions.
- Potential Parking Lot work to begin in conjunction with excavation activities.
- Construction meeting to take place on Thursday.
Fitness Addition
Completed for the week ending June 7, 2019:
- No work planned on the Fitness Addition this week
Planned for the week ending June 14, 2019:
- Excavation potentially to begin depending on Classroom Addition work progress.